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Created:Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Members: Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 00:00 eastern (2139 days ago)
Public: Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 00:00 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Email Notification of Postal Mail

The US Post Office can send an email photo of mail being delivered to your mailbox. This free service is a convenience for knowing about incoming mail, and if any mail is lost.

To sign up,
  1. Enter your zip code to check availability in your area.
  2. If available, click "Sign Up".
  3. Log in or create a new USPS account with your email address.
  4. Click "Informed Delivery", and confirm your mailing address.
  5. Check the box to certify the address is yours (you will need to prove it).
  6. Click "Enroll in Informed Delivery"
  7. Choose the verification method of "online" or "in-person". Most locations require "in-person" verification.
If they require an in-person verification to complete the sign-up,
  1. Print out the barcode (or view it on your phone).
  2. Bring the barcode and ID into your local post office. They will confirm your:
    • Name and photo
    • Mailing address
    If your driver's license has your mailing address, that should be all they need. If not, bring a copy of a utility bill (electricity, gas, cable TV, trash, water bill, or any bill with your name & address) along with a photo ID.
Once your identity is verified, you can get electronic information on mail delivered to your mailbox by It may take a few weeks to active this free service.
Companies:US Postal Service

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